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Your constitution is predominantly that of vata. 


Vata, based on the elements of air and space, regulates movement and change. 

Vata predominant individuals tend to:

  • have a nature of CHANGE and fluctuation; irregular appetite, thirst and bowel movements, variable energy levels coming in bursts and irregular menstrual cycles.
  • be more endowed with MOVEMENT; active eyes, fast speech, quick bodily movements and always on the go.  The mind is also agile, creative, lively and enthusiastic.  There is a desire for change and routines are often a struggle.  Things are picked up quickly but more often forgotten in the long term.
  • have more DRYNESS and ROUGHNESS in the body; dry, rough skin, lips and hair, cracking joints.  They are more likely to be constipated and have wind.
  • be more COLD; often have cold hands and feet and strongly dislike cold and wind, prefer warm environments, food and drinks.
  • be LIGHT; in general, have a slender body and thin muscles finding it hard to put on weight.  Specifically, lightness also shows with thinner lips, visible joints and sharper nose.  Sleep is also light and sometimes elusive.

Those with a vata constitution will be more likely to suffer from constipation, gas and insomnia when not in balance.  The mind when out of balance tends towards anxiety, fearfulness and insecurity.