Weight loss with Ayurveda

Weight and weight loss are concepts which come with a lot of emotional connotations in our society. Ayurveda has a lot of say on weight, from helping us keep a sensible view of our ideal weight through to solutions if you are overweight. How can we use Ayurveda to know Read more…

Tomatoes: Ayurveda hates them… or does it?

Ayurveda says ‘no tomatoes’, right? Well, it doesn’t actually.  Here are the facts.  There is nothing written about tomatoes in Ayurvedic literature Tomatoes, solanum lycopersicum, came to India with the Portuguese several hundred years ago but Indians didn’t really use them in cooking until the 20th century. Therefore, tomatoes weren’t Read more…

Fasting – what does Ayurveda say?

Everyone is talking about fasting. There is so much (sometimes conflicting) information out there about fasting, what does Ayurveda have to say about it?  And how can fasting be personalised to our individual constitutions? Find all the answers to these questions here. Ayurveda has a LOT to say about fasting Read more…

You’re not what you eat, you’re what you digest

Not all woods burn the same in a fire, do they?  The same can be said about foods we put in our ‘digestive fire’.  Some burn (or digest) easily, some are more difficult.  This important aspect of food often gets overlooked.  What you’re eating may on paper be very nutritious Read more…

Winter Eating

Enjoy your Christmas roast with impunity this winter

With Christmas around the corner, you’ll be pleased to know that a traditional roast with accompanying root vegetables, a few brussels sprouts and some herbs thrown in, fits in very well with the ideal foods to eat in winter.  Enjoy it with impunity. By eating what nature offers up with Read more…

Pulses – the best kept protein secret

Here are 10 things you may not know about pulses. Pulses (or legumes): fuel your body with protein are cheap are good for the environment – protein from crops to stomach are low-fat, full of fibre, vitamins and minerals (including iron) count as 1 of your 5 a day are Read more…

Hidden kale risotto

Hidden kale risotto

I created this while trying to find a great way of disguising kale for the children to eat. It worked perfectly!  It was gone in minutes; they got a great dose of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals as well as a tasty dinner. This hidden kale risotto makes a bright Read more…

Tamarind egg curry

Eating vegetarian and reducing tomatoes is sometimes tricky so I love this recipe for a tamarind egg curry.  Ayurveda recommends small doses of tomatoes only as they slow digestion and cause aama.  Lots of curries contain tomatoes so it is always great to find recipes which aren’t tomato based.  If Read more…

Beetroot pasta with walnuts

Beetroot is hard to use in recipes as it has such a particular taste and colour, but this vegetarian beetroot pasta recipe makes the most out of both of these.  My children love this tasty and healthy meal and it is often served to chants of ‘pink pasta, pink pasta’. Read more…