Weight loss with Ayurveda

Weight and weight loss are concepts which come with a lot of emotional connotations in our society. Ayurveda has a lot of say on weight, from helping us keep a sensible view of our ideal weight through to solutions if you are overweight. How can we use Ayurveda to know Read more…

Tomatoes: Ayurveda hates them… or does it?

Ayurveda says ‘no tomatoes’, right? Well, it doesn’t actually.  Here are the facts.  There is nothing written about tomatoes in Ayurvedic literature Tomatoes, solanum lycopersicum, came to India with the Portuguese several hundred years ago but Indians didn’t really use them in cooking until the 20th century. Therefore, tomatoes weren’t Read more…

Fasting – what does Ayurveda say?

Everyone is talking about fasting. There is so much (sometimes conflicting) information out there about fasting, what does Ayurveda have to say about it?  And how can fasting be personalised to our individual constitutions? Find all the answers to these questions here. Ayurveda has a LOT to say about fasting Read more…

Menopause – important life transition not an illness

Thankfully the menopause is getting a lot of airtime now, and so it should.  It has been a source of shame and misunderstanding for too long.  How do we view the menopause in Ayurveda? Menopause essentials Let’s first recap the menopause essentials.  The accepted definition of the menopause is the Read more…

Live life in balance

Your guide to dosha imbalance

I’m feeling these symptoms, what do they mean? Do I have a dosha imbalance? Or do I feel pretty balanced? Each dosha has its qualities so the simplest way to gauge a dosha imbalance is to see which of these qualities is getting increased for you. For example, your skin Read more…

Natural Cycle

Women, love your cycle (and men, it REALLY helps to know)

Women have an amazing aid to living a healthy and happy life. The menstrual cycle. Now, if you are man, please don’t stop reading here as likely as not, you know a woman. She would likely be very impressed and grateful for any glimmer of understanding of this topic and Read more…


Smoothies and juices – choose wisely

Like it or not, juicing and blending is taking us by storm.  Seen as quick and easy way to dose up with essential vitamins, minerals and cancer-fighting antioxidants, smoothies and juices have become a much larger part of our diet. How they help… Over the years, plants have been bred Read more…