Elements and Doshas

Are you in your element? You and your doshas

Most of us know that this creation is made up of fundamental elements – 118 at the last count.  Some we’ve heard of – oxygen, gold, silver – and some most of us haven’t – number 118 is Ununoctium. Knowledge of this doesn’t help us very much with our day Read more…

Avoid those germs, the Ayurvedic way

They’re here again.  They’re back with a vengeance.  The school term begins and bang, everyone starts ailing with colds, flu’s and stomach bugs.   Is it the weather? Is it the gathering of vast hoards of small, inhibition-less children in small buildings?  What happens at this time of year to make Read more…

Spelt Grain

What’s the story with wheat?

Why my obsession with spelt? What is wrong with wheat?  Nothing. The ancient texts of Ayurveda extol the virtues of wheat, as a nourishing, strengthening food.  Its properties are heavy, oily, sweet and cooling.  As it is fairly heavy to digest, it is best not to over consume.  Looking at wheat from a Read more…

Sourdough – the bread that’s easy to digest

Fermentation has been used worldwide for thousands of years to produce foods and drinks of different flavours, textures and longevity.  An example of this is alcohol, and less obviously bread and soy sauce.  In Ayurveda, there are various slow-fermenting vinegars and medicinal ‘wines’ which have documented therapeutic uses.  This natural, Read more…

Wet spring grass

With spring, comes kapha

At the end of winter and beginning of spring, we often feel sluggish and heavy like we are coming out of hibernation.  Kapha in our bodies is at its peak.  It’s good to know this so you can ward against the problems that can come with it such as allergies Read more…


The myths of oils and fats

Oils and fats are a much misunderstood area of our modern diet.  We moved away from cooking with saturated fats (e.g. meat fats, dairy fats) as we were told they were causing us too many problems.  We started processing seed oils to replace them and jumped from the frying pan Read more…