Chronic inflammation, skin diseases, digestive and liver disorders, arthritis, long term poisoning[1]. Stubborn conditions for which there is often no conventional cure.  For these, Ayurveda offers the highly effective virechana (medicated purging) and its speedier relative, the quick purge.

Medicated purging is one of the 5 panchakarma procedures, which together form the gold standard of cleanse in Ayurveda offering roots-up purification of the body.  A traditional panchakarma cleanse will include all 5 procedures; vamana (medicated vomiting), virechana (medicated purgation – the other end!), oil enema, decoction enema and nasya (nasal irrigation)[2].  This is a lengthy and daunting task, even if you are an in-patient. Now it is more common to do 2 or 3 of these procedures, most often virechana (purging) followed by oil enemas. 

Panchakarma procedures

Even just doing one of the procedures can take 4 weeks and plenty of resources. What happens when you don’t have those at your disposal?  You do a quick ‘sadyo’ version.  Sadyo literally means ‘immediate’ which might be stretching the point somewhat, but it is much quicker than the full version. 

Quick and still punchy

It is possible to do a quick version of the medicated purging – sadyovirechana. That’s quite a mouthful, let’s call it the quick purge.  This is something that becomes quite manageable in a busy life and can be supported remotely.  This quick purge, especially if followed up with some oil enemas (doable by yourself at home), has the following benefits:

  • Clears ama (with the pre-purge diet and herbs)
  • Pulls excess doshas from all the tissues and organs, including the liver (during the fat-drinking and external oil massage)
  • Flushes out the excess doshas from the digestive tract (during the purge)
  • Rebuilds the digestive fire in a healthy way, creating a healthy gut microbiome (post-purge dietary regimen)

Quick purge helps in a wide range of conditions

These actions make the quick purge great for:

  • Chronic inflammation of all kinds
  • Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, vitiligo
  • Allergies
  • Liver inflammation and diseases
  • Digestive disorders such as ongoing bloating, IBS, bowel inflammation and pain, hyperacidity,
  • Arthritis and gout
  • Heavy metal and other poisoning
  • Management of diabetes

The practical nitty-gritties

You will need to be on a restricted diet for 10 days.  This consists of a variety of dishes with the main ingredients being mung beans (green), split mung dal (yellow), rice, vegetables, spices and ghee (or vegan equivalent). 

You will most likely need to take 2 days off work (these can fall at the weekend) and 2-3 mornings off work.

You will be supported remotely throughout the cleanse, with regular check-ins during the fat-drinking and day-long support on the purge day.

Quick purge

The cleanse includes:

  • step-by-step instructions for all stages
  • pre-purifying herbs
  • ghee (plain or medicated, vegan alternative also available)
  • prescribed dose of purgative
  • phone & message-based support at key points in the process and when needed

You can see cost here. This assumes collection of materials (postage and packaging would be additional).

If you are an existing client, I can use your notes to assess suitability and personalise the regime.  If you are a new client, you would need to fill in a thorough online questionnaire, from which I can do this assessment (additional £40). 

Do get in touch if you want to deep-cleanse the Ayurvedic way.

Until next time, take care of yourselves.


Author: Kate Siraj, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Shadow Work Coach, BSc Ayurveda, MChem (Oxon), MAPA.
© The Ayurveda Practice

[1] For example, by heavy metals or arsenic

[2] This is according to Charaka, the father of internal medicine.  Sushruta, the father of surgery, lists the two enemas under one procedure and adds raktamokshana, blood-letting.

1 Comment

Jeevaya · February 9, 2023 at 12:18

This blog is such an interesting and helpful read! I’m so impressed by the quick purge technique for reducing inflammation. It’s an innovative approach that I’m definitely going to try out!

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