Oils and fats are a much misunderstood area of our modern diet.  We moved away from cooking with saturated fats (e.g. meat fats, dairy fats) as we were told they were causing us too many problems.  We started processing seed oils to replace them and jumped from the frying pan into the fire.  There is still much debate about oils but here are the important points and we’ll update them as new research occurs.

Types of oils and fats

Oils and fats are members of the same family, the only difference is that, at room temperature, fats are solid and oils are liquid.  Coconut oil is liquid (oil) in its native climate but solid (fat) here in the UK.  There are three categories of natural fats and oils to be aware of: 1. saturated, 2. mono-unsaturated, and 3. poly-unsaturated.  With modern manufacturing methods, we also now have some unnatural forms of fats called hydrogenated fats and trans fats.

 SaturatedMono-unsaturatedPoly-unsaturatedHydrogenated / Trans fats
ProcessingNatural, very little processingNatural, some processingNatural, some processingUnnatural, extensive  processing
Naturally occurring in…Coconut, butter, fat, animal tallow (fat from meat, e.g. goose fat)Extra virgin/virgin: Olive oil, avocado oil (Rapeseed)Virgin: Safflower, flax, sunflower, soy, sesame (Rapeseed)Nothing!These don’t occur naturally, they are artificially produced.
PropertiesStable, heavy fatsFairly stable, light oilsFairly unstable, light oilsStable, heavy fats (but different structure to natural saturated fats)
Visualise…Saturated FatDense, heavy, squareUnsaturated FatLight, circleUnsaturated FatLight, circleTrans fatDense, heavy, square with jagged edge
Best for…cooking at high heatingCooking but not at high heatCooking at low temperatures, adding to foodavoiding completely

Which fats and oils are good for us?

All natural fats are good for us in moderation.

Saturated fats and mono-unsaturated oils are best for cooking

Saturated Fat

Mono-unsaturated oils (extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin avocado oil) have many health benefits and are fairly stable to cook with at light to medium-high heats such as sauteing, baking and roasting to 175°C.  Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) particularly contains many health promoting polyphenols.  Choose to cook with extra virgin olive oil when you aren’t going to very high heat.

Saturated fats are heat- and light-stable, these are the best fats to cook with (in moderate amounts) to high heat such as frying or tempering spices.  They can be heated to high temperatures and they don’t change their form or shape or disintegrate into harmful substances.  With the levels of meat and dairy in most of our diets, we generally get plenty of these so we don’t need to add them into our diets beyond cooking with them.

Poly-unsaturated fats are best for cooking at low temperatures or adding to food

Unsaturated Fat

Seed oils high in polyunsaturated fats such as flax, sunflower, sesame and soy are very beneficial to the body if used unprocessed and unheated or only heated to low temperatures.   They help to reduce blood pressure, develop and promote a healthy brain and prevent arthritis.  Some of them are essential in our diets (i.e. our bodies can not make them).

Cell walls and natural fats
If we eat saturated fats and untreated unsaturated oils, the body recognises their shapes and sizes, and uses them as building blocks for cells in our bodies.

If we cook to higher heats with these oils, they can break down, forming free radicals – toxic, aging molecules.  These toxic chemicals break down essential structures in the body (it is to combat these that we take anti-oxidants such as vitamin C).

Free radicals

These oils should not be heated to high heat.  Sunflower, sesame and soy oils can be used for low heat cooking such as gentle sauteing but flax oil should not be cooked with at all.  All of them can be poured on meals and used in dressings, which is a great way to get the health benefits from them.

A note on which oils to buy:

To make these unsaturated vegetable oils easier to extract and able to sit on supermarket shelves in clear plastic bottles, manufacturers use intense treatment processes, including heat, to treat these oils.  Whilst some people (such as Zoe) believe these processes don’t cause negative health outcomes, we see that level of processing as too much and would advise avoiding.  We’re happy to revise this opinion if very long term studies indicate they are adverse outcome free but until then, we’ll be buying our oils unprocessed.  Therefore we recommend only buying virgin, cold pressed oils which are in dark bottles (protection from light).  Don’t buy standard vegetable oils you find in plastic bottles on supermarket shelves.

Hydrogenated and trans fats are best for … avoiding completely

Trans fat

Saturated fats such as butter are versatile and stable but expensive.  To create cheaper fats, companies started making artificial saturated fats by processing unsaturated fats (vegetable and nut oils).  These processes form hydrogenated fats and trans fats.  These fats look and feel quite similar to natural fats but with some important differences in shape.  The body thinks they are same as the natural fats and uses them for the same jobs.  Given that they are actually different, they don’t work and our systems, such as cell messaging, fail to work properly.  This has large knock-on effects on the body.

Cell walls and trans fats
You can imagine trans fats have strange jagged edges.  The body thinks it recognises them and uses them in places where similar shaped fats go.  They have jagged edges however and so although they have been placed in the body, they don’t work properly.  They effectively stop that function of the body.

Do not eat anything with hydrogenated or trans fats in them – this will include many processed foods and commercially baked goods such as biscuits and cakes.  Margarine can also contain these.  In the UK, these are now rarely found in foods but do keep your eyes out for them.

In summary


  • Saturated fats for high heat cooking e.g. frying, tempering spices. These are very heat-stable and do not become toxic on heating.  These include ghee (clarified butter), butter, coconut oil and animal fats such as duck and goose fat.  The best among these is ghee as it contains beneficial nutrients (vitamin A, D, E & K, linoleic acid) and is the only fat which stimulates the digestive fire (capability).  Use saturated fats in moderation and never deep-fry.


  • Mono-unsaturated fats for low to medium-high heat cooking, e.g. sauteing, baking and roasting up to 175°C. Cooking a pasta sauce, for example, where there a little gentle frying followed by addition of watery ingredients which cools down the temperature is a great use for these.  These are extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin avocado oil.  Make sure these oils are kept in dark bottles, away from sunlight. Be careful; don’t expose the oil to too high or prolonged heat.


  • Poly-unsaturated oils such as sunflower, sesame and soy all have fabulous health benefits and can be heated to low heats such as with gentle sauteing.


  • Poly-unsaturated oils such as flax, hemp, almond and walnut are very beneficial in the diet but don’t heat them.  Add them to food or take them neat (especially flax oil).


  • Heat processed oils, hydrogenated and trans fats.

Author: Kate Siraj, Ayurvedic Practitioner, BSc Ayurveda, MChem (Oxon), MAPA.

© The Ayurveda Practice

Further information:

  1. Mann, J and Truswell, S (ed) (2002): Essentials of Human Nutrition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2nd edition.
  2. Fox, BA and Cameron, AG (1995). Food Science, Nutrition and Health. London: Edward Arnold. 6th edition.
  3. Erasmus, U (1993): Fats that heal, Fats that kill. Canada: Alive Books


Vannessa · March 6, 2013 at 00:09

Thanks Kate that is very helpful. I have just bought some ghee and was wondering how to use it and when. Now I know.
Awesome article!

Watch the wind – it’s a tricky little fellow | Living Ayurveda · September 10, 2014 at 14:05

[…] Oils are superb at reducing vata as not only are they oily but also heavy and generally warming.  Cook with ghee, coconut and virgin olive oils and add other virgin oils (sesame, hemp, flax for example) to your food after cooking.   Oil […]

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[…] Wonderfully moist, this spelt courgette cake is as healthy as a cake can be.  It’s dairy and wheat free too.  It is important to use good oils in cooking – see article here. […]

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[…] The type of oil you use to cook with is very important.  Most vegetable oils (apart from olive oil) are very heat unstable and cooking with them creates free radicals (aging and toxic chemicals for the body).  Only cook with coconut oil, ghee and olive oil (not to high temperatures). […]

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[…] fats, it is important to have enough of them in your diet and make sure they are healthy fats (see here).  Menopause particularly is not a time to reduce fats in your diet. Also important are lentils, […]

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